What is the goal of the College Training?
To supply college students with a vision, equip them with truth, help them in their experience of life, perfect them in the preaching of the gospel, and develop their character so they can become useful vessels for the building up of the Body of Christ.
When & where will the College Training be held?
Southwest: July 9 - 13 | Yucaipa, CA
Southeast: July 11 - 15 | Athens, GA
Northeast: July 11 - 15 | Kingston, NY
Northwest: July 16 - 20 | Seattle, WA
Midwest: July 16 - 20 | Columbia, MOorthwest: July 16 - 20 | Seattle, W
What is the history of the College Training?
The College Training began in Southern California in the 1990s. Over the years, it spread to five locations: Yucaipa, CA; Seattle, WA; Athens, GA; Kingston, NY and Champaign, IL. The inaugural National College Training was held in 2015 at UIUC with about 1800 attendees. In 2019, almost 2800 attended the North America College Training, titled Jubilee!.
What is included in my registration fee?
The registration fee covers the cost of the following during the week of the training:
Training packet (including outlines and ministry readings)
Please note that the registration fee does not include transportation to and from the College Training.
Who can attend?
All college students (or those of college age)
Recent high school graduates (17+ years old)
Recent college graduates
Serving ones coming to care for the students
I don't know where I'm going to college in the fall. Should I wait before I apply?
NO! Please apply as soon as possible because space is limited. You can enter your anticipated college information and update your application at any time.
Can I come part-time?
No. Participants are required to attend full-time.
Can I bring a Christian friend?
Absolutely! Bringing a Christian friend would be wonderful as long as he/she is ready for a training like this. We recommend that you fellowship with your local serving one about this matter. We also encourage you to assist them with the application process. No one can come unless they apply, pay, and are approved.
How can I prepare for this training?
First of all, pray! The more we open to the Lord in prayer for this time the more He will have the free way to speak to us and work in us during the training.
What is the dress code for the training?
At all times dress in a way that would not distract others from the enjoyment of the Spirit.
No sleeveless shirts, t-shirts with writing or sleeveless dresses during the meetings.
No pajamas, lounge wear, or clothing that is low cut or uncovering during the meetings.
During the meetings, all sisters and brothers should dress properly in the Lord.
No shorts, jeans, leggings can be worn during the meetings. Dress in a way that would not distract others from the enjoyment of the Spirit.
In order to cancel your application for the College Training, please email on or before May 31.
There will be a $10 processing fee for all refunds.