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Friday, July 12, 2024

3:00 - 5:30 PM - Registration at Russell Hall


5:30 - 6:30 PM - Dinner in Bolton Dining Commons. If you arrive after 6:30 PM there will not be dinner provided.  


6:00 - 7:00 PM - Registration at the Student Station


7:00 PM - First training meeting begins at the Student Station


Lodging and food: All trainees will be assigned to a dorm, Russell Hall, on the UGA campus.  All meals will be provided by the training from Friday dinner through Tuesday breakfast.


  • Comfortable shoes for walking — you will be walking from the dorm to the meeting hall (roughly 15 min) and back every day.

  • Bedding, pillow, and towel. **Bedding is NOT provided by the dorm.** 

  • Clothing for meetings, recreation time, and sleepwear (see guidelines below). **Note: it is hot and very humid in Athens so you may consider packing extra clothing, but laundry facilities are available if needed.**

  • A sweater or light jacket because the meeting hall tends to be cold

  • Personal toiletries, including sunscreen and any necessary medications

  • Shower shoes for the dorm showers (optional, but highly recommended)

  • A refillable water bottle

  • Earplugs

  • Umbrella 

  • Recovery Version Bible (Old & New Testament), pen, and notebook (if desired)

  • If you bring a computer, tablet, or other personal device, it should be used only for material and resources related to the training.


Your attire impacts your attitude, so please dress according to your spirit and the following requirements: 


  • At all times dress in a way that would not distract others from the enjoyment of the Spirit.

  • No sleeveless shirts, t-shirts with writing or sleeveless dresses during the meetings.

  • No pajamas, lounge wear, or clothing that is low cut or uncovering during the meetings.

  • During the meetings, all sisters and brothers should dress properly in the Lord.

  • No shorts, jeans, leggings can be worn during the meetings. Dress in a way that would not distract others from the enjoyment of the Spirit.



Those driving should plan to arrive no later than 5:00 PM in order to register and eat dinner prior to the meeting at 7:00 PM. If you will have a car you need a parking permit. Please fill out the Parking Permit Request form no later than June 30, 2024.



  • UGA is 2 hours away from the Atlanta Airport on a Friday afternoon. Please keep that in mind as you read the following details and book your flight. 


  • We strongly recommend that you book a flight that arrives in Atlanta no later than 2:00 PM on Friday and departs no earlier than 5:00 PM on Tuesday.


  • The church in Athens is not able to provide hospitality prior to or after the college training. 


  • The training is unable to provide transportation from the Atlanta airport to Athens.  Please make your own arrangements to travel between Atlanta and Athens.


  • Groome Transportation offers 24 round trips per day between Athens and Atlanta and discounted fares if you reserve your seats online.  Please arrange to be dropped off at UGA Georgia Center; call/text Leo Medina at  323-371-7171 when you board the shuttle to inform us of your estimated time of arrival.  Someone from the training will come pick you up from the Georgia Center and bring you to the dorm.


Some meals will be eaten in the dining hall and some meals will be provided at the Student Station.


A part of the training is learning to coordinate and serve with others in practical daily affairs. Therefore, it is expected that every brother and sister participating in the training is willing and ready to help with the practical services related to the training as assigned or requested by those carrying out the training. 


If you can serve on the music service, please complete this form no later than June 30, 2024:  Music Service


This is a training — not a conference — all registrants have committed to attend all training sessions and strictly follow all guidelines:


Our Pursuit

  • This is a time to seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness.

  • Maintain a proper spirit and attitude at all times in cooperation with the training.

  • This training is separated unto the Lord; no one should use this time for promoting social relationships. Rather, let us cultivate an atmosphere of prayer, fellowship in life, and seeking the Lord.



There is only full-time registration for this training.


Dress Code

See the section “Attire” above


Code of Conduct

  • Speech: Speak respectfully and appropriately with others as you would in normal circumstances.

  • Do not distract others.

  • Maintain a brother-in-the-Lord/sister-in-the-Lord relationship in all situations (in language, attitude, intention, and heart).

  • Respect one another's decision before the Lord. (Romans 14:3-8)

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